Background for a "share" culture

Most of the activity within Nokia, is traditionally organized in "projects". There is thus a plan, a team, some resources, a schedule. The result is typically a product. This culture is based on assigning responsibilities, and applying a "divide and conquer" method in a top-down way. One must say it has been very successful so far.

There is however a shift in our challenges. We should move from long-lived hardware products with captive customers, to short-lived software components, on a volatile market. We are not so much expected to predict the future, as to react quickly to brutal changes in the environment.

My analysis of the situation, is that we must switch from a project-centric (or a product-centric) organization to an information-centric one, that we must move from a "split" to a "share" culture.

What is the thus state of the art concerning the organization of collaboration between large and open communities?

Split or share, Collaboration,
Collaboration ToC
Marc Girod
Last modified: Mon Sep 30 18:37:53 EETDST 2002