Configuring mf-init

As I offer mf-init as an overall binder for lots of supported configurations, but cannot require that everybody likes the same look-and-feel, whereas it provides with default behaviours, it provides also with flags allowing to change these at will.

Here is a list of such flags, with their default values. Set them before "requiring" mf-init:

set to t in X environment. This governs the minibuffer's being separate and common to all frames.
nil. This disables emacs scroll-bars.
t. This favors popping up new frames, over popping up new (emacs) "windows" (i.e. splitting the selected frame). If you set this to nil you must also set ispell-use-framepop-p to nil after you have "required" mf-init.
nil. This enables the use of MIME supporting package (SEMI).
t. Overloads the default function for creating new frames. After a certain number of frames (critical-frame-number, default: 8) has been created, starts to recycle them instead of creating new ones (much quicker).
Set it e.g. as follows: (setq critical-frame-number 5)
t. Use the mf-complete package for word completion in the minibuffer.
If you know you want to use it and are ready to pay a small price at load time (but have it ready for the first use, instead of only autoloading it then), just add to your ~/.emacs (the second line is independent, but is a useful extra):
      (require 'mf-complete)
      (require 'hippie-exp)
t. Use font-lock in X environment. This will actually use the lazy-lock style.
t. Use the mf-w3 package, configuring w3. This adds a few bindings to the keymap, especially for editing local html pages; selects character based display mode for tables, which insure that the frames are not resized depending on their contents; handles Netscape frames as links, i.e. not trying to partition the emacs frames according to the page specifications; ignores color settings in the pages...

Emacs ToC
Marc Girod
Last modified: Thu Oct 14 15:01:53 EETDST 1999