Mini-review: Debugging the Development Process

Debugging the Development Process is by Steve Maguire, an experienced software manager from Microsoft. It covers practises which Microsoft have been found to help produce quality software, on schedule (and practises which have been found to be harmful). It's a very practical book, written by a working developer, for working developers.

The book didn't say anything astoundingly new, but it covered the subject well and was very enjoyable reading. What impressed me most was the author's attitude to software development, which was very pragmatic and professional. Reading the book has changed the way I do some things, but not very dramatically.

I'd recommend this to any of you as background reading. It's most immediately relevant for people leading teams, so I'm passing it to Ilari before returning it to the library. I think that the book has ideas which could help address the quality problems which are showing up now with TMS-OS C2.0.


PS. I'm just finishing reading another book by the same author, Writing Solid Code. It's also directly relevant right now - I'll try to finish it and write another review on Monday.

David Price, TMS-OS