New vobs

Everybody can create new private vobs. Creating public ones requires a password (note: importing a replica is covered separately).

An example of a typical command is:

ct mkvob -tag /vob/hp -c "HP-UX software" -public /vobstorage/hp.vbs

Note: we don't use the option -ncaexport

As for now, we have only one vob server: feanor.

Vobs created there shall have their storage area in /vobstorage, and their mount point directly under /vob.

While creating new vobs, one should take into consideration (i.e. check the relevant scripts!) issues of:

We don't plan to use other regions than tmsos, apart for access from NT if still required.

ClearCase administration ToC
Marc Girod
Last modified: Sat Sep 2 16:45:33 EETDST 2000