
I follow the demo and present the code of the components building up the makefile system.

Every developer has his own focus and organizes his world around it. He takes care that the dependencies are satisfied from his point of view. Composition should not reuse his contribution as such.

One needs to ensure the consistency of the various contributions. This is best achieved by integrating continuously, and validating progressively the audited results. Labels make offer concrete milestones, and help to communicate.

Checking is time consuming. As the composition will respect the dependency graphs produced by the individual developers, one needs an optimization to avoid that the same checks are performed several times:

The method is not intrusive: we avoid the need for a top-down navigation, and ensure that the results of the developers' builds may be promoted and reused for other components and the integration build.

RUC 2002 ToC
Marc Girod
Last modified: Thu Jan 17 00:33:19 EET 2002