Bunaken National Park History Book
by Arnaz Mehta with contributions from the Kelola Foundation, Manado
- 5. Marine Organisms
- 5.1 Algae
- 5.2 Forams
- 5.3 Sponges
- 5.4 Cnidarians
- 5.4.1 Corals
- 5.4.2 Anemones
- 5.4.3 Hydroids
- 5.4.4 Jellyfish
- 5.5 Marine Worms
- 5.6 Crustaceans
- 5.7 Echynoderms
- 5.7.1 Sea stars
- 5.7.2 Brittle stars
- 5.7.3 Sea Urchins
- 5.7.4 Sea cucumbers
- 5.7.4 (sic — 5.7.5) Feather stars
- 5.8 Molluscs
- 5.9 Ascidians
5. Marine Organisms
5.3 Sponges
Sponges were the dominant reef animals before corals existed.
Sponges have been around for over half a billion years!
5.4 Cnidarians
5.4.1 Corals
Corals are colonies of animals called "polyps",
joined together by a thin layer of common tissue.
Hard corals
Some species of branching Acropora can grow up to 15 cm per year
while a massive Porities coral growns only about 3 mm per year.
A three meter high Porities coral may be 1,000 years old!
Soft corals
5.4.3 Hydroids
Hydroids are a colony of animals
that consists of two different types of polyps.
One feeds and stings for defense agaisnt predators,
and the other one reproduces. [...]
Generally, hydroids produce male or demale medusae (free swimming polyps)
that break away and reproduce. [...]
The most common hydroids look like soft bunches of fine feathers
attached to the reef.
Other hydroids that have a hard calcareous skeleton look like hard corals
and are known as fire corals and lace corals.
5.5 Marine Worms
Some flatworms mimic bad-tasting nudibranches
as a form of protection from predators.
Marc Girod