Early structuralism

Early structuralism

Gaston Bachelard:
  'The space in which one looks, in which one examines is
  philosophically very different from the space in which one sees.'
  This is because the space in which one sees is always a represented
  space, and not a real space.

Mikhail Bakhtin:
  Inspired by Einstein's theory of relativity, Bakhtin defines the
  chronotope as the 'intrinsic connectedness of temporal and spatial
  relationships in literature.'

Georges Canguilhem:
  [...] human being are 'normative' beings, not because they conform to
  norms, but because they are norm-creating beings, or open systems
  dependent on their environment.
  [...] Disease - the obstacle - is the necessary stimulus for the
  norm-making necessary for health.

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Marc Girod