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p 124 A Self-sensitive, Self-driven System
[...] the process drives itself [...] there is no top-level "driver"
making decisions about what to do next. ["codelets" in a "cytoplasm"]

In life, you often must make a decision randomly in order not to get
bogged down in an infinite regress of exploring consequences and
meta-consequences [...]

Epilogue: Jumbo' Epiphenomenal Intelligence
Jumbo's intelligence, if indeed it had any, clearly has not been
directly programmed; rather, it emerges as a statistical consequence
of the way that many small program-fragments interact with each other.

p 125
I call AI's holy grail the "Boolean Dream" [...]

p 126
The goal of AI would then shift from being one of trying to capture
the "laws of thought" in an elegant mathematical formalism to one of
trying to understand the laws governing subcognitive events (let us
call such events "mentalics") that collectively go to make up
thinkodynamics -- the dynamics of thinking.

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