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p 157 The Slippery Slope into the Eliza Effect
[...] the "Eliza effect" [...] could be defined as the susceptibility
of people to read far more understanding than is warranted into
strings of symbols -- especially words -- strung together by

p 167 The Dubious Claim of Cross-domain Analogy-making
[ACME, by Holyoak and Thagard, 1989] ACME deals with no domains at all
-- just strings.

p 176 On the possibility of a representation module
We are deeply skeptical [...] about the feasibility of [...] a
separation of perception from the rest of cognition.

p 177 BACON: A case study
[...] the success of the program relies almost entirely on its being
given data that have already been represented in nearly-optimal form,
using after-the-fact knowledge [...]

p 180 Models of Analogical Thought
Let us consider two analogies involving DNA. The first is and analogy
between DNA and a zipper [...] The second analogy involves comparing
DNA to the source code (i.e. non executable high-level code) of a
computer program.

p 182 Current models of analogical thought
[SME] ...the discovery of the similar structure in these
representations is not a difficult task.

p 196
Who is the First Lady of England?

p 198
By "conceptual slippage", I mean the context-induce dislodging of one
concept by a closely related one, inside the mental representation of
some situation.

p 221
Bottom-up codelets: "noticers"
Top-down codelets: "seekers"

p 232 A seeming paradox: Randomness in the service of intelligence
...this appearance of nonsensicality is an illusion caused by a
confusion of levels [top-level macro-decisions vs low-level

Thus, randomness is used in the service of, and not in opposition to,
intelligent nonrandom choice.

Fluidity is an emergent quality, and to simulate it accurately
requires an underlying randomness.

p 256 
[    a b c    -> a b d
  m r r j j j ->   ?
Arriving at the deeper answer of mrrjjjj requires not only the
insights brought about by the strong pressures in the problem, but
also a large degree of patience and persistence in the face of

p 307 Prolegomena to Any Future Metacat
Computer models often study the static properties of concepts --
context-independent judgements of membership in categories, for
instance -- but the question of how concepts stretch and bend and
adapt themselves to unanticipated situations is virtually never

p 308
...the entirety of [Copycat's] processing can be called high-level
perception [...] The ability to reperceive, in short, is at the crux
of creativity.

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