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Software Practice & Experience
March 97, Vol 27, No 3
p 207 Synchronous/Reactive Programming of Concurrent System Software
by B.R. Montague and C.E. McDowell
We can identify three orthogonal attributes that affect the systems
1. Competitive vs Cooperative
2. Heavyweight, lightweight, or featherweight
3. Internal vs external
A reactive system is event-driven, maintains a permanent
interaction with its environment, and executes at a rate determined
by the environment. [...]
The term reactive is more specific than the informal term
event-driven [and] more general than soft real-time and near
The synchronous hypothesis assumes that all computation occurs in
discrete atomic steps during which time is ignored [...] The
fundamental advantage of this approach is that internal cooperative
concurrency can be handled deterministically.
p 311 A Practical Approach to Object-oriented State Modelling
by Maher Awad and Jürgen Ziegler