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Software Practice & Experience
10 July 2002, Vol 32, No 8

Special Issue: Entreprise Frameworks
Guest Editors: Mohamed Fayad, David Hamu, Davide Brugali

p 737 How to develop and reuse the UniPDM framework
by J. A. Kim

p 755 Entreprise Frameworks for workflow management systems
by I. M. S. Gimenes and L. Barroca

p 771 Eternal--a component-based framework for transparent fault-tolerant CORBA
by P. Narasimhan, L. E. Moser and P. M. Melliar-Smith

p 801 Entreprise frameworks: issues and research directions
by H. Mili, M. Fayad, D. Brugali, D. Hamu and D. Dori