class Cgi
Cgi class
public members:
- Ctor, decode the data and initialize the instance variables.
Cgi(const Cgi &)
- Copy ctor
string dump(void) const
- Return a string with all variable names and values.
bool exist(const string&) const
- Check existence
string operator[](const string)
- Read variable
Cgi & operator<<(pair<string,string>)
- Add variable
class CgiException
- Class for exceptions
etype type
- Exception type
string s
- Name of variable (for nosuva only)
CgiException(etype,string ="")
- Ctor for exception objects
private members:
static char x2c(const string&)
- Convert from hexadecimal
static void unescape_hex(string&)
- Unescape hexadecimal sequences (encoded as ``%xx'')
static void unescape_space(string&)
- Unescape spaces (encoded as ``+'')
void split(string)
- Does the decoding
static pair<string,string> lrhs(const string&)
- Takes a string ``A=B'' and returns the pair of strings ``<A,B>''
This class handles everything related to data encoded according to the
CGI specs.
- Cgi ()
If compiled with support for exceptions, decoding could throw the
following exceptions:
- norqme
- if the request method can not be determined;
- nocole
- if the content's length can not be determined;
- noqust
- if the query string can not be determined;
- ivrqme
- if the request method is invalid.
Without exception support, assertions are made (with the assert()
macro) and the error messages are written with perror().
- string dump (void) const
The string is in the form ``name1=val1\nname2=val2\n''.
- bool exist (const string&) const
Checks if a variable named as the argument exists. This operation is
useful mainly for checkboxes, but can be also used to prevent errors
(requesting an non-existent variable) in case exceptions are not
- string operator[] (const string)
Returns a string corresponding to the value of the variable supplied
as an argument. If the variable does not exist, then:
- if expections are supported it throws nosuva, or
- if exceptions are not supported, it returns an empty
- Cgi & operator<< (pair<string,string>)
Add the argument (a (name,value) pair) to the receiver. If the
variable name already exists, the value is overwritten.
- class CgiException
Exceptions are simple in this case so there's nothing really spiffy
- CgiException (etype,string ="")
Takes the exception type and an optional string. The exception type is
one of the following: norqme, nocole, noqust,
ivrqme or nosuva. For nosuva, the string holds the
name of the non-existent variable.
this class has no child classes.
alphabetic index hierarchy of classes
Dragos Manolescu ([email protected])
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