Professor Tom Shakespeare
Thursday 1 September 2005
Café Morkku, Finnish National Theatre
Designer babies: a concept (bambini progetati)
Lee Silver —
Remaking Eden
Genetically rich, and poor people
Francis Fukuyama
Redesigning the human species.
John Conclaver (?) XXth century
Petra dish
"Gift not commodity" — inconsistency
"they would be their brother"
Biological vs. social
Nancy Roughgarden (?) — homosexuality among animals
Spina bifida
Choosing the world we want — eugenic statement
Disabled people bring something to the world.
They report a better satisfaction, statistically
Avoid disabilities or avoid disabled people?
Down syndrome — save money
China: a law to prevent and a law to protect
30000 children die per day
The expressivist objection:
it sends a message — that disabilities are terrible.